We will launch the production of Midori-tamenuri colored pens for the following six models from today.
・Writer Portable USD750.00
・Writer Decapod (ST) USD850.00
・Cigar Long USD750.00
・Cigar Portable USD750.00
・Cigar Decapod (ST) USD850.00
・Neostandard USD750.00
If you would like to place your order, please visit our web order page
and choose “Completely original model” in the Selection criteria and write the model name in the blank field and proceed.
e.g. “Writer Portable Midori-tamenuri”
After you choose the nib, your writing preferences, accessories and fill in the necessary information, please send it to us.
After we receive your order, we will send you the order confirmation e-mail by return.
For more details, please contact us from
We will launch other models in Midori-tamenuri color in sequence.
Please check our web page for further information.
We are looking forward to your order.