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Cigar Portable ASHI

$ 3,400

The entire surface of the axis is painted in black on black with reed leaves. The difficulty of this work can be felt in that the motif is black on black, which makes it almost impossible to see the area being painted while the work is in progress.

Cigar Portable ASHI

The entire surface of the axis is painted in black on black with reed leaves. The difficulty of this work can be felt in that the motif is black on black, which makes it almost impossible to see the area being painted while the work is in progress.

$ 3,400
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Product No.11071-CP5-10

Cigar Portable WISTERIA

$ 2,800

We expressed gorgeous wisteria flowers in maki-e, which perfectly matches the shape of the pen. Different base colors give completely different impressions.

Cigar Portable WISTERIA 

We expressed gorgeous wisteria flowers in maki-e, which perfectly matches the shape of the pen. Different base colors give completely different impressions.

$ 2,800
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Product No.11113-CP5-10

Cigar Portable SPIDER

$ 8,400

Nakaya expressed a Spider (Kumo) by “Sumiko” (charcoal powder) technique. The web was written by a thin brush pen and polished up (“togi-dashi”) after sprinking silver powders. The Spider has an appearance of solidity by “Taka-Maki-e” heaping up technology with black and yellow Urushi lacquer and polish up. (“togi-dashi”). Lastly, we added in detail parts of the Spider and polished up as Roiro (gross) finishing. On the grip section, a craftman used gold powder as base. A flower was written in gold, a butterfly was heaped up by Urushi lacquer and sprinkled by gold powder and rubbed with black and white Urushi and polished. (“togi-dashi”).

Cigar Portable SPIDER

Nakaya expressed a Spider (Kumo) by “Sumiko” (charcoal powder) technique. The web was written by a thin brush pen and polished up (“togi-dashi”) after sprinking silver powders. The Spider has an appearance of solidity by “Taka-Maki-e” heaping up technology with black and yellow Urushi lacquer and polish up. (“togi-dashi”). Lastly, we added in detail parts of the Spider and polished up as Roiro (gross) finishing. On the grip section, a craftman used gold powder as base. A flower was written in gold, a butterfly was heaped up by Urushi lacquer and sprinkled by gold powder and rubbed with black and white Urushi and polished. (“togi-dashi”).

$ 8,400
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Product No.13002-CP5-13

Cigar Portable CRAB

$ 1,900

Nakaya made this motif by “togi-kiri” maki-e technique with silver based lacquer ware to keep an atmosphere of an Indian ink drawing.This artwork is the first model of “togi-kiri maki-e technique” with silver color.You can have a look at a gold based “togi-kiri maki-e” on this page and also can check a detail of technique.

Cigar Portable CRAB 

Nakaya made this motif by “togi-kiri” maki-e technique with silver based lacquer ware to keep an atmosphere of an Indian ink drawing.
This artwork is the first model of “togi-kiri maki-e technique” with silver color.
You can have a look at a gold based “togi-kiri maki-e” on this page and also can check a detail of technique.

$ 1,900
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Product No.11037-CP5-71


$ 2,500

This model expresses Kuro-tamenuri and Aka-tamenuri in one pen. For goldfishes, the background is done in Aka-tamenuri, the goldfishes are heaped up by Shu urushi, the outline is drawn by Ginko (silver powder), and then Shu-ai urushi for Aka-tamenuri is applied to the whole surface. Then the background is done in Kuro-tamenuri and the goldfishes are done in Aka-tamenuri. Finally, waterweeds are drawn with colored urushi and painted over again with Shu-ai urushi to make them shiny.


This model expresses Kuro-tamenuri and Aka-tamenuri in one pen. For goldfishes, the background is done in Aka-tamenuri, the goldfishes are heaped up by Shu urushi, the outline is drawn by Ginko (silver powder), and then Shu-ai urushi for Aka-tamenuri is applied to the whole surface. Then the background is done in Kuro-tamenuri and the goldfishes are done in Aka-tamenuri. Finally, waterweeds are drawn with colored urushi and painted over again with Shu-ai urushi to make them shiny.

$ 2,500
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Product No.11068-CP5-11

Cigar Portable SUZURAN

$ 2,000

Drawing lilies of the valley with silver on the light blue base using the tsuke-gaki technique. The finish is simple yet elegant.Since the silver will be changing its color, you can enjoy it gradually turn dull in color.

Cigar Portable SUZURAN

Drawing lilies of the valley with silver on the light blue base using the tsuke-gaki technique. The finish is simple yet elegant.
Since the silver will be changing its color, you can enjoy it gradually turn dull in color.

$ 2,000
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Product No.11118-CP5-54

Cigar Portable BELL CRICKETS

$ 6,300

The motif is bell crickets (Suzumushi). The black background is shaded with gold powder, and the bell crickets are drawn with gold maki-e, and one piece of blue shell is pasted as the wing and drawn the wing lines on it with gold maki-e. The bell crickets antennas are drawn very thin and long, and to wrap around the pen barrel. Even though gold is used extensively, the curves and motifs are drawn with delicate lines to create a rather elegant finish without being too flashy.

Cigar Portable BELL CRICKETS 

The motif is bell crickets (Suzumushi). The black background is shaded with gold powder, and the bell crickets are drawn with gold maki-e, and one piece of blue shell is pasted as the wing and drawn the wing lines on it with gold maki-e. The bell crickets antennas are drawn very thin and long, and to wrap around the pen barrel. Even though gold is used extensively, the curves and motifs are drawn with delicate lines to create a rather elegant finish without being too flashy.

$ 6,300
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Product No.11030-CP7-10


$ 3,100

Adding silver powder to the Aka-tamenuri base to create gradation, and drew a Ascending Dragon motif on it using taka-Maki-e technique with silver powder.The extensive use of silver created a metallic texture.“Ascending Dragon”, as its name suggests, means rising, and it has been considered as a lucky icon to bring good luck since ancient times. It is also said that the Nyoi jewel the dragon has in its hand will make your wishes come true.It is often worshiped as a pair with the descending dragon, which descends from the sky.


Adding silver powder to the Aka-tamenuri base to create gradation, and drew a Ascending Dragon motif on it using taka-Maki-e technique with silver powder.
The extensive use of silver created a metallic texture.

“Ascending Dragon”, as its name suggests, means rising, and it has been considered as a lucky icon to bring good luck since ancient times. It is also said that the Nyoi jewel the dragon has in its hand will make your wishes come true.
It is often worshiped as a pair with the descending dragon, which descends from the sky.

$ 3,100
Product No.11057-CP5-71


$ 2,300

The motif is an Ascending Dragon. This is expressed by Ao-tamesukashi technique, painting light blue lacquer as a base and drawing the dragon motif with silver powder, then painting transparent blue lacquer on it.Blue color is very difficult to adjust, so it will appear quite dark at first. Therefore, it may take some time for the motif to become visible. Please enjoy the changes time goes by.


The motif is an Ascending Dragon. This is expressed by Ao-tamesukashi technique, painting light blue lacquer as a base and drawing the dragon motif with silver powder, then painting transparent blue lacquer on it.
Blue color is very difficult to adjust, so it will appear quite dark at first. Therefore, it may take some time for the motif to become visible. Please enjoy the changes time goes by.

$ 2,300
Product No.16019-CP5-56


$ 2,000

The motif is the populer dragon. This is an ascending dragon design based on an old Chinese painting, which symbolizes healthy growth of children and the fulfillment of great wishes. The motif is drawn using silver powder and paint lacquer that has transparency on it. This is the Tame-sukashi technique let motifs to be seen through. The base color is Aka-tamenuri which is vermilion base paint and Shuai-urushi (transparent amber color lacquer) on the base. A cloud is drawn in gold under the screw, and a jewel ball is drawn on the grip section using the Tame-sukashi technique.“Tame-sukashi” technique is a technique adding Maki-e taste to Tame-nuri. Drawing motifs with Maki-e on the base, and paint highly transparent Shuai lacquer. As time goes by, the top coat lacquer becomes more transparent, you can enjoy the changes to see through the ground color and maki-e.


The motif is the populer dragon. This is an ascending dragon design based on an old Chinese painting, which symbolizes healthy growth of children and the fulfillment of great wishes. The motif is drawn using silver powder and paint lacquer that has transparency on it. This is the Tame-sukashi technique let motifs to be seen through. The base color is Aka-tamenuri which is vermilion base paint and Shuai-urushi (transparent amber color lacquer) on the base. A cloud is drawn in gold under the screw, and a jewel ball is drawn on the grip section using the Tame-sukashi technique.
“Tame-sukashi” technique is a technique adding Maki-e taste to Tame-nuri. Drawing motifs with Maki-e on the base, and paint highly transparent Shuai lacquer. As time goes by, the top coat lacquer becomes more transparent, you can enjoy the changes to see through the ground color and maki-e.

$ 2,000
Product No.16002-CL5-35