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Dorsal Fin 1 Heki-tame

$ 1,500

This model has a fin on the cap that acts as a roll stopper.It is designed with the image of a knife.Heki-iro is a middle color between blue and green.

Dorsal Fin 1 Heki-tame

This model has a fin on the cap that acts as a roll stopper.
It is designed with the image of a knife.
Heki-iro is a middle color between blue and green.

$ 1,500
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Product No.07003-DF1-20

Dorsal Fin 1 Toki-tame

$ 1,500

This model has a fin on the cap that acts as a roll stopper.It is designed with the image of a knife.The combination of the pinkish base color inspired by the Japanese traditional color “toki-iro” and the upper lacquer, shuai urushi create very soft an bright finish.“Tamenuri” has the characteristics of translucent amber color like being sucked in, so you can clearly see how the lacquer has accumulated.

Dorsal Fin 1 Toki-tame

This model has a fin on the cap that acts as a roll stopper.
It is designed with the image of a knife.
The combination of the pinkish base color inspired by the Japanese traditional color “toki-iro” and the upper lacquer, shuai urushi create very soft an bright finish.
“Tamenuri” has the characteristics of translucent amber color like being sucked in, so you can clearly see how the lacquer has accumulated.

$ 1,500
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Product No.07005-DF1-21

Ryogiri Kuro-tame(Web-exclusive model)

$ 1,150

It is designed with the image of the logs for a log house.The combination of shuai urushi lacquer that is mixed with a black color and shu(vermilion) base color created a finish that exudes an atmosphere of elegance.

Ryogiri Kuro-tame(Web-exclusive model)

It is designed with the image of the logs for a log house.

The combination of shuai urushi lacquer that is mixed with a black color and shu(vermilion) base color created a finish that exudes an atmosphere of elegance.

$ 1,150
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Product No.08001-CR7-11

Ryogiri Aka-tame (Web-exclusive model)

$ 1,150

It is designed with the image of the logs for a log house.The combination of shuai urushi lacquer and shu(vermilion) base color created a finish that is very deep and beautiful red.

Ryogiri Aka-tame (Web-exclusive model)

It is designed with the image of the logs for a log house.

The combination of shuai urushi lacquer and shu(vermilion) base color created a finish that is very deep and beautiful red.

$ 1,150
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Product No.08002-CR7-35

Ryogiri Heki-tame (Web-exclusive model)

$ 1,150

It is designed with the image of the logs for a log house.Heki-iro is a middle color between blue and green.

Ryogiri Heki-tame (Web-exclusive model)

It is designed with the image of the logs for a log house.

Heki-iro is a middle color between blue and green.

$ 1,150
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Product No.08003-CR7-20

Ryogiri Toki-tame (Web-exclusive model)

$ 1,150

It is designed with the image of the logs for a log house.The combination of the pinkish base color inspired by the Japanese traditional color “toki-iro” and the upper lacquer, shuai urushi create very soft a bright finish.“Tamenuri” has the characteristics of translucent amber color like being sucked in, so you can clearly see how the lacquer has accumulated.

Ryogiri Toki-tame (Web-exclusive model)

It is designed with the image of the logs for a log house.

The combination of the pinkish base color inspired by the Japanese traditional color “toki-iro” and the upper lacquer, shuai urushi create very soft a bright finish.
“Tamenuri” has the characteristics of translucent amber color like being sucked in, so you can clearly see how the lacquer has accumulated.

$ 1,150
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Product No.08005-CR7-21

Tsumugi Portable KASURI(Kuro-tame)

$ 1,000

The Portable model is a Tsumugi series inspired by the fineness of silk dyeing and weaving.This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.*Only the cigar model without a clip is available.In this model, the color is named by the kimono pattern. Kuro-tamenuri is called as ”Kasuri”.The combination of shuai urushi lacquer that is mixed with a black color and shu(vermilion) base color created a finish that exudes an atmosphere of elegance.Very high level painting and polishing techniques made it possible to make the lines stand out in streaks and the finish resembles a woven pattern.

Tsumugi Portable KASURI(Kuro-tame)

The Portable model is a Tsumugi series inspired by the fineness of silk dyeing and weaving.
This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.
*Only the cigar model without a clip is available.

In this model, the color is named by the kimono pattern. Kuro-tamenuri is called as ”Kasuri”.
The combination of shuai urushi lacquer that is mixed with a black color and shu(vermilion) base color created a finish that exudes an atmosphere of elegance.
Very high level painting and polishing techniques made it possible to make the lines stand out in streaks and the finish resembles a woven pattern.

$ 1,000
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Product No.01061-TP5-11

Tsumugi Portable HANABISHI(Aka-tame)

$ 1,000

The Portable model is a Tsumugi series inspired by the fineness of silk dyeing and weaving.This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.*Only the cigar model without a clip is available.In this model, the color is named by the kimono pattern.Aka-tamenuri is called as ”Hanabishi”.The combination of shuai urushi lacquer and shu(vermilion) base color created a finish that is very deep and beautiful red.Very high level urushi techniques made it possible to make the lines stand out in streaks and the finish resembles a woven pattern.

Tsumugi Portable HANABISHI(Aka-tame)

The Portable model is a Tsumugi series inspired by the fineness of silk dyeing and weaving.
This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.
*Only the cigar model without a clip is available.

In this model, the color is named by the kimono pattern.
Aka-tamenuri is called as ”Hanabishi”.
The combination of shuai urushi lacquer and shu(vermilion) base color created a finish that is very deep and beautiful red.
Very high level urushi techniques made it possible to make the lines stand out in streaks and the finish resembles a woven pattern.

$ 1,000
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Product No.01062-TP5-35

Tsumugi Portable AMIME(Heki-tame)

$ 1,000

The Portable model is a Tsumugi series inspired by the fineness of silk dyeing and weaving.This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.*Only the cigar model without a clip is available.In this model, the color is named by the kimono pattern. Heki-tamenuri is called as ”Amime”.Heki-iro is a middle color between blue and green.Very high level urusih techniques made it possible to make the lines stand out in streaks and the finish resembles a woven pattern.

Tsumugi Portable AMIME(Heki-tame)

The Portable model is a Tsumugi series inspired by the fineness of silk dyeing and weaving.
This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.
*Only the cigar model without a clip is available.

In this model, the color is named by the kimono pattern. Heki-tamenuri is called as ”Amime”.
Heki-iro is a middle color between blue and green.
Very high level urusih techniques made it possible to make the lines stand out in streaks and the finish resembles a woven pattern.

$ 1,000
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Product No.01063-TP5-20

Tsumugi Portable ASANOHA(Toki-tame)

$ 1,000

The Portable model is a Tsumugi series inspired by the fineness of silk dyeing and weaving.This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.*Only the cigar model without a clip is available.In this model, the color is named by the kimono pattern. Kuro-tamenuri is called as ”Asanoha”.The combination of the pinkish base color inspired by the Japanese traditional color “toki-iro” and the upper lacquer, shuai urushi create very soft an bright finish.“Tamenuri” has the characteristics of translucent amber color like being sucked in, so you can clearly see how the lacquer has accumulated.Very high level painting and polishing techniques made it possible to make the lines stand out in streaks and the finish resembles a woven pattern.

Tsumugi Portable ASANOHA(Toki-tame)

The Portable model is a Tsumugi series inspired by the fineness of silk dyeing and weaving.
This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.
*Only the cigar model without a clip is available.

In this model, the color is named by the kimono pattern. Kuro-tamenuri is called as ”Asanoha”.
The combination of the pinkish base color inspired by the Japanese traditional color “toki-iro” and the upper lacquer, shuai urushi create very soft an bright finish.
“Tamenuri” has the characteristics of translucent amber color like being sucked in, so you can clearly see how the lacquer has accumulated.
Very high level painting and polishing techniques made it possible to make the lines stand out in streaks and the finish resembles a woven pattern.

$ 1,000
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Product No.01065-TP5-21