Writer Portable AraiShu

This is the perfect length for everyday use and has a balance of portability and comfortableness of writing.
The color “AraiShu” is a different kind and quaint brighter vermilion from “Shu (vermilion)”.
“AraiShu” means a light vermilion color because the color becomes lighter after washing the dyed cloth. The color can be said close to orange red. The color range is wide, from a vermilion like reddish color to a salmon pink kind of color are called “AraiShu”.
It is one of the colors that became popular in the late Edo period with the revival of Yamato-e.

$ 840
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Weight 22.0g
Length 150.0mm
Diameter 15.0mm
Material Ebonite
Product No. 02005-WP5-32