Yakomakie ・ Crows [no.17013]

Product name: Crows [no.17013]
Price: US$2,000
Barrel material: Ebonite
Description: The two crows motif comes from "A black hawk and two crows" the representative work of Yosa Buson later years. We drew old wood and two crows are done by Yakoh-makie on Aka-Tamenuri lacquer painting base. The snow lay thick on the ground is expressed by sliver powders.

Base model: Cigar, Long size.

Buson Yosa,Yosa Buson or Yosano Buson (1716-1783) is Japanese name.
Japanese poet and painter on Edo period. Buson is one of famous poet along with Kobayashi Issa and Matsuo Basho. He traveled mainly north part of Japan and composes many poems.

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